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The dynamics of grandfathers: A comparative analysis of Mexican and Spanish society

In analysing the importance of the current roles of grandfathers in the family in Spain and Mexico, this study attempts to deepen knowledge of these roles in two different social contexts which share similar cultural roots. In respect of gender and from a cultural and generational perspective, the research aims to shed light on the figure and role of grandfathers, who have long been overshadowed by their spouses – the grandmothers. As author (2010) and Mann et al. (2013) highlight, changes at both the demographic and social level have contributed to grandfathers playing an increasingly important role in the lives of their grandchildren.It is important to underscore the originality of this research, since little attention has been paid to date to this area of research; indeed, the invisibility of the grandfather’s role almost underpins a false belief in its non-existence. It must also be stressed that this is the first comparative, transnational analysis of this type.The qualitative analysis reveals generational idiosyncratic characteristics among the grandfathers studied here and their own grandfathers, in Mexico and Spain, as well as a change in traditional gender roles, with certain country-specific nuances. In all the cases studied grandfathers interviewed express feeling a state of happiness. In addition, it can be appreciated a perception of a break with the role’s characteristic of the own grandparents.

Open Access
Person-centered care for older adults at nursing homes in the Iberian Peninsula: A Systematic Review

Portugal and Spain are neighboring countries, and both have aged populations. The aging of a population leads to a higher need for gerontological care. Person-centered care for older adults (PCCOA) offers a higher standard of quality at nursing homes. This systematic review aimed to: synthesize Portuguese and Spanish studies on PCCOA; describe the process of implementation of PCCOA; explore the impact of interventions based on PCCOA and determine the measurement tools used to evaluate PCCOA. This review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. Eleven electronic databases were used. All of the included studies examined PCCOA at Portuguese and/or Spanish nursing homes. Thirty-one of the included studies were conducted in Spain, and six were conducted in Portugal. Studies involved the development of models/recommendations, the promotion of resident participation in care processes and education/training. Their results indicated that PCCOA has positive outcomes for staff members and residents. Six measurement tools were used in the studies conducted in Spain. This review highlights the importance of PCCOA and the need for scientific advances, especially in Portugal. The current knowledge emerging from this systematic review will guide care planning and interventions to improve care quality and has the potential to create networking opportunities.

Open Access